Intuitive Development

Intuitive Development

Are you looking to understand your own spiritual gifts and abilities or have questions relating to spiritual experiences that you have had but are unsure of who to ask or where to turn? Then you have found the right place!

Navigating a spiritual awakening or discovering your spiritual gifts can leave you feeling lonely and isolated as well as confused and unsure and is something I understand first hand which is why I have opened up these 1:1 sessions with me. You can use these sessions to ask questions about your spiritual path or we can work on developing or understanding your own psychic skills. Know that you will be supported through this time in these sessions which will be unique to your journey whether that is learning about the different clair senses, which ones are your strongest and how to use them, learning how to read tarot or oracle cards, connecting to your guides, understanding the messages you receive through meditation, dreams or other forms of connecting or anything else you feel you need assistance in on your spiritual journey.

30 Minute Intuitive Development Session via Zoom


*Please note that these sessions are not to be booked for readings, they are for development and guidance on your spiritual journey.